Biology of Moles

The Coast Mole is native to the area and is also known as the Pacific Mole.  This energetic menace is about 6 inches long and can build up to 300 mounds and/or mole holes in a single winter. Coast Moles are active year-round and are mostly solitary, except when searching for a mate. The Coast Mole bares between two and four young in the spring.

The Townsend’s Mole more formally referred to as Scapanus townsendii, is North America’s largest mole, at about 9 inches in length. The Townsend’s Mole’s Behavior is similar to that of the Coast Mole.  The Townsend’s Mole is commonly found in moist soil, especially river bottoms, wooded ares, event city lawns throughout the city and county, but they are rarely seen because they are underground burrow dwellers.

The Townsend’s Mole digs the burrows with his long claws and large front feet. These moles are sensitive to vibration felt through the ground. They have a short velvet-like fur which aids in their ability to slip through the earth as they tunnel.

If you have any questions about the mole removal process or time frame, please send all inquiries to or give us a call at 360-698-7151.

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